As temperatures get warmer, this is the time of year to spring into shape! But before you lace up your shoes, keep a few things in mind.
Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise plan. Even taking a few walks a week may be a lot more activity than you're used to, so checking for medical concerns is a good idea.
Find a trail, a park, or a residential area with safe sidewalks to walk on. Watch for trip hazards, and areas that are mostly clean of big debris. If you're out in the sun, consider wearing sunscreen to protect your skin.
If you want more than just walks to get in shape, find a dance class or exercise group for seniors to sign up for. Try taking the stairs more, to increase mobility and get your heart pumping! Find an exercise DVD or channel for at-home exercise.
Getting an exercise buddy will help you stay accountable. Schedule a meeting time and place, so you're less likely to cancel!
Set an exercise goal. Start small, then build up the time you dedicate to activity each week.
Don't forget the water! Stay hydrated, no matter what kind of exercise you're doing.
Getting more active can help you both physically and mentally. So feel good about yourself, and what you're doing for your health, so get moving!